UKTIA Membership & Registration

Membership Criteria

Any firm, company or other corporation trading in tea and/or herbal infusions in the United Kingdom (UK), or any Tea Board or Tea Association and/or herbal infusions equivalent from a producing country, or any international company or organisation allied to the tea and/or herbal infusions trade, that is trading in the UK  shall be eligible for membership in one of the following categories subject to the following qualification:

Full Member - Company Trading in the United Kingdom (UK)

Firms, companies or other corporations who are bona fide packers, blenders or traders of tea within the UK and can demonstrate experience as a Food Business Operator, or equivalent experience gained within the tea and/or herbal infusions industry, and who can confirm they comply with all legal requirements necessary to trade tea and/or herbal infusions in the UK, shall be eligible for membership of the Association as a full member.

Firms, companies or other corporations who have a direct interest in the tea trade specifically with regard to estate production, shipping, trading, warehousing, distribution and supplying various materials to the tea trade, shall be eligible for full membership of UKTIA.

Full UKTIA members have a requirement to be members of the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) either through individual company corporate membership or through the UKTIA consolidated FDF membership scheme for smaller companies.

Full Member - Tea Producing Country

Any country specific Tea Board, Tea Association or Chamber of Commerce tea division which is constituted to represent either the private or corporate sectors of the tea industry in that country will be eligible to join UKTIA as a full producer member.

Tea producing countries have no requirement to be members of FDF.

Associate Member

Firms, companies or other corporations registered in the United Kingdom and or international companies who are allied to the tea trade, as a grower, supplier, marketer, shall be eligible for associate membership of UKTIA.

UK tea packers and producer countries are not eligible for Associate Member status. Associate members shall have no voting rights.

Table of Membership Benefits

Benefit FULL Producer Associate
Full Voting Rights Yes Yes  
Eligible as Exec Board Member Yes Yes  
Operating Group Member Yes Yes  
European Committee Attendance Yes Yes  
News Alerts Yes Yes Yes
Receive Exec Board Minutes Yes Yes  
Secure Full Members Website Area Yes Yes  
Access to FDF website Yes Yes  
UKTIA Website Listing Yes Yes Yes
Full Market Data Y Yes  
Annual Report Yes Yes Yes
Signposting to Industry Guidance Yes Yes Yes




If you would like to register an interest in becoming a member of the UK Tea & Infusions Association please send an email to clearly stating the name and nature of your business, contact details and why you would like to join. We will then contact you to discuss your application in more detail.

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