A Brief History
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23rd Jul '20 - Express
How to live longer: The best drink to control blood sugar levels and to aid weight loss
Another great article Rooibos based on Tea Advisory Panel Research: https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1312901/how-to-live-longer-rooibos-tea-blood-sugar-control-weight-loss-boost-life-expectancy
21st May '20 - UN
On 21 May we united across the globe to celebrate the wonderful beverage that is tea. This UN news article explains why and highlights that Tea production and processing directly contributes to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
21st May '20 - CNN - Katie Hunt
Why drinking tea might just help in a crisis
A cup of tea makes everything better
12th May '20 - UKTIA
The Latest Edition of Brew is now available
16th Apr '20 - My Weekly
Did You Know Your Cuppa Has Great Health Benefits?
Tea and herbal infusions in the news.
28th Feb '20 - Ruth McKee: Daily Stary
Cup of tea a day keeps doctor away as it reduces cardiovascular disease by 20%
19th Feb '20 - UKTIA, London
The first edition of our new e-zine 'Brew'.
The first edition of our new e-zine 'Brew' was published in February 2020.
15th Nov '19 - UKTIA
Tea quotes: Which story is this from?
Arthur blinked at the screens and he felt he was missing something important. Suddenly he realised what is was.
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?" he asked.
15th Aug '19 - express.co.uk
New story on green tea in the express online written by Jessica Knibbs.
4th Jul '19 - Dr. Sharon Hall, UKTIA, London
A Tea Journey: from the Mountains to the Table
Splosh, a brew, wink-tippling cordial, Rosie Lee, nectar of the gods, a cuppa, builder's, char... Whatever you call it, or whether you put the milk in before or after, we can all agree that the British have a unique relationship with tea.
1st Jul '19
The United Kingdom, a country that has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the global tea market and world tea culture, joins the Tea Masters Cup international system of championships.